
Family dispute, Ottio’s body remains at funeral home

Tempers flared this afternoon, forcing funeral home securities to lock the gates, thwarting today's program to take Ottio's body back home to Tatana under police escort.

Crowds have gathered outside the funeral home with police on standby to maintain order.

Families from the Koiari and Tatana side are meeting now to reach an amicable solution.

The PNG Rugby Football League will be releasing a statement shortly.

(A crowd gathering outside the funeral home)

​Candidates dispute appointment of RO

Spokesperson for the candidates, Brian Boma, alleged that the appointment of RO Willie Ropa and the assistant RO Samuel Kewa, for Anglimp South Waghi, was illegal.

He claimed the appointments were done through the incumbent MP for Anglimp South Waghi, Joe Komun Koim.

Before counting takes place, the appointment of Ropa and Kewa must be revoked, says Boma.

After presenting their petition to the Jiwaka Election Steering Committee, the candidates said the committee confirmed that Ropa and Kewa did not apply for the position of the returning officer and ARO.