BSP Syndicate

BSP addresses recent allegations

“These allegations and statements made regarding BSP and its employees are untrue and that there is no basis at all for these defamatory statements,” said the financial institution.

“BSP has and will continue to make its own enquiries, and has referred matters to relevant law enforcement agencies where appropriate. 

“BSP is ensuring the Bank of Papua New Guinea is kept fully informed regarding this matter.

Chuave MP refute claims over ‘BSP syndicate’

The alleged statement was circulated on WhatsApp forums and social media streams and contained serious allegations against Mr Nomane and named employees of the Bank of South Pacific Financial Group Limited (“BSPFGL”) of being responsible for orchestrating the “BSP Glitch” and accessing money from Government accounts, amongst others.

The writer of the article is not named.

“I wish to state on record that the allegations, statements, and comments in the article against me are not true.