Babafi Trust Partnership Program

Pastors’ salary initiative applauded

The Babafi Trust Partnership Program was set up to identify and register all pastors and missionaries within the province, regardless of their denominations.

Babafi Trust coordinator and survey team leader, Ps Setefano Kepe, applauded the initiative, saying most church workers are based in rural areas and this would help in supporting their work and their families.

“I understand that many people have their perspective towards church doctrines and all that,” Ps Kepe said.

Survey underway to identify pastors

Following that, the Babafi Trust Partnership Program has been tasked to identify and verify church ministers within the 10 districts of Morobe Province, regardless of denomination.

“Not only Morobeans but whatever pastors from any other province who came here to Morobe to work as a missionary, pastor or evangelist here, our good Governor is looking forward to put every man and woman, who is a pastor or missionary, on payroll,” said Babafi Trust chairman, Ps Siraah Sam Sabedi.