2017 solar eclipse

Solar eclipse parties are an actual thing

When the moon briefly blocks out the sun, it will draw one of the largest audiences in human history, according to experts.

Add those watching via social media and live streaming services and the spectacle is set to smash records.

But instead of just going out to your garden to see it, people are hosting eclipse parties.

Yes, these people are actually having cosmic parties with themed food and handing out special glasses for viewing.

Some Americans are preparing meals of sun tea and moon pies in celebration of the once in 100 years event.

Americans gaze at sky spectacular

A huge shadow cast by the Moon as it passed in front of the Sun swept across the nation, from Oregon in the west to South Carolina in the east.

Millions of people moved to get into the path of darkness, putting on their protective glasses to gaze at the sky in wonder.

It was the first total solar eclipse visible from America's lower 48 states in 38 years, and the first since 1918 to track from coast to coast.

The spectacle started in Oregon at 10:16 local time.