“Sanap Wantaim” (Stand Together) campaign

Safety tips for women and girls in public places

Women and girls are being harassed, cat-called, grabbed, groped, having their bags snatched and even physically and verbally abused in these public places and we have become so conditioned to such cruel behaviour  and has become a norm.

The Sanap Wantaim has put together some Safety Prevention Tips to help you get through the day.

1. STAY ALERT - be sure to stay alert and be tuned into your surroundings. No need to examine everyone up close and personal but being aware of possibilities is not a bad thing.

Sanap Wantaim calls for partners

The campaign, “Sanap Wantaim” (Stand Together), seeks to bring men and women, boys and girls as allies and partners in making the city of Port Moresby safe for everyone.

The campaign is established to rally men and boys throughout the city to stand side by side with women and girls as partners and allies seeking to make the city safe for women and girls and inspire awareness and advocacy to action.