Schools Finals End Successfully

The successful conclusion to the Schools Rugby League grand final on Saturday was quite special. It was also rewarding for all the sacrifice, hard work and commitment rendered by teachers, students and parents, and major sponsors.

In the U14 boys finals, 4 mile Primary school defeated Igam Primary, while in the U16, Omili beat Igam.

In the Secondary schools finals, Bugandi defeated Lae Secondary. In the U18 finals, Lae secondary accounted for Busu while in the girls open, Lae Secondary outplayed Bumayong Secondary to take out the title.

However from another front, this year’s schools competition has been tagged as the year of the fullbacks with a number of standout performances throughout in the Lae Schools Rugby League Competition season 2021.

Bugandi Secondary School under 16 fullback Markas Richard and Lae Secondary School under 18 fullback Jeremy Gimbo walked away ending the season on the double.

Both Richard and Gimbo pulled off the season with grand final victories but more so, crowned the player of the year in the under 16 and 18 divisions respectively.

Richard was indeed the mastermind behind the 9-6 win against Lae Sec.

The mixed Sepik and Simbu youngster is a straight ball runner. Capitalising from his side’s sliding attack, he easily handed his hooker and man of the match Aron Mark a converted try, sealing the 9-point victory at the stroke of fulltime.

Terry Longbut