ALS workshop starts on positive note

The first lead-up workshop to the Athlete Leadership Summit (ALS) began on a positive note.

Coordinator, Richard Ora said feedback from participants of the workshop was good saying they enjoyed coming across information which was new to most of them.

“They learnt to appreciate and understand why leadership is an important component part of their performance as well just like preparing to train physically,” said Ora.

“The purpose of the first session was to understand, appreciate and evaluate, High Performance Sport Papua New Guinea as a support team to help maximize their performance.”

The workshop looked at the five Levels of Leadership extracted from John.C Maxwell's book titled: ‘Developing the Leader Within You.’

“We spoke about the definition of leadership as being- Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less.

“The five levels are Position- Level 1, Permission- Level 2, Production- Level 3, People Development- Level 4 & Person-hood- Level 5.

“We had a 45 minute indoor session discussing and defining leadership and another 45 minutes was an outdoor team building activity on snake games & balloon races.”

The ALS is the flagship program of HPS PNG and one its major annual events that is run once every year to reinforce to local elite athletes off field skills to develop as part of their holistic development approach that HPS uses.

These skills can be used by elite athletes to build human capacity development.

For more information, contact Ora via email:

Troy Taule