Peaceful Celebration in Madang

Police have reported a quiet and peaceful Christmas celebration in Madang Province.

Provincial Police Commander, Superintendent David Seine Jnr stated that the only incident that was reported was at Wagol Settlement where drunkards fought among themselves with a few properties damaged. 

He said police responded to the incident on Sunday December 25 and calmed the group of people. They were told to report to the police station to solve the issue. 

PPC Seine Jnr said he is yet to receive reports from the districts on their Christmas celebrations. 
Madang town, Ramu and Karkar were reported to be quiet. 

"I want to thank the Northern Mobile Group officers who are in the province to assist the local police officers. Your presence had made the people to behave. I want to call on the people of Madang to celebrate peacefully during the New Year.”

He reminded the people to stop selling alcohol during this time. 
PPC Seine thanked the hardworking police officers in maintaining peace and good order during the Christmas weekend. 

"The only incidents that happened were alcohol-related and I want to call on the people of Madang to stop consuming alcohol if you cannot control yourself. Alcohol will bring problem and you will regret later," he said. 

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