Duran Farm Housing Project Newsletter

Housing Minister Dr. Kobby Bomareo has directed the management of the National Housing Corporation to produce a newsletter for Duran Farm Housing project.

The newsletter will act as a mouthpiece for the Minister and the management to inform all government departments, key agencies and developers on the progress of the project on a timely basis.

 Minister said they are behind schedule while urging the management to work with developers and key stakeholders of State to get the project off the ground.

The newsletter is expected to be circulated to all government departments, state agencies, State Ministers  and the Office of the Prime Minister and NEC to provide timely updates on the progress of the 2515 allotments mega project located at 9 Mile.

The project is an impact project of government, estimated to deliver 2,515 allotments for standalone houses, intuitional and commercial allocations, and will become a satellite township of its own with plans for essential services like schools and churches, shopping centres, banks and police station to be put in place.

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