Australia and PNG leading region’s Climate Change action

The Prime Minister of Australia recently urged all Members of Parliament to appreciate that our region is on the frontline of the global fight against climate change.

Anthony Albanese, while addressing the PNG parliament, added that our Pacific neighbours are counting on PNG and Australia to support international co-operation to show leadership and to take action.

He said, “There is not a moment to waste. It is up to our generation to protect the precious and unique natural environment of our rainforests, reefs and coasts. To build – and plan – our infrastructure so our communities are more resilient and better prepared for natural disasters.”

“It is the responsibility of our generation to ensure our farmers and producers do not suffer irreversible damage to their land and livelihoods. And it is the great opportunity of our generation to grasp the transformative economic benefits of clean energy technology.

“All of which is why I’m very pleased PNG will be joining the Indo-Pacific Carbon Offsets Scheme,” he said.

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