The mother of abuse

Violence is the mother of abuse.

This would be a more simplified definition of the term ‘violence’.

A human rights workshop held this morning at the American Corner in the National Library called the #Men&BoysToo highlights men also being victims and subjected to gender-based violence in the country.

The workshop coincides with the World Human Rights day activities observed worldwide and is for interested individuals, human rights activists and advocates as well as men and boys who have experienced domestic and sexual violence and abuse.

The workshop is to raise alarm that violence and abuse is experienced by men too but men have not come out share their stories due to stereotypes in society.

The workshop is hosted by Young Men of Honor, Youth Advocate and Commonwealth Youth Champion, One Young world ambassador, David Aoneka Lawrence, who was a victim of bullying and sexual violence.

The workshop featured Hanley Logoso, a legal advisor and lawyer and Donald Willie of the Digicel Foundation-Man of Honour campaign.

Annette Kora