PNG needs effective foreign policy: Aisi

Papua New Guinea needs an effective Foreign Policy to strengthen and improve international bilateral ties.

Deputy secretary of policy, economic and infrastructure sectors and international relations division department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council, Frank Aisi said this, with the policy currently being reviewed.

PNG's foreign policy reflects close ties with Australia and other traditional allies and cooperative relations with neighboring countries.

Having diplomatic relations with 56 countries, Aisi said PNG needs a policy that is effective and strategic in its outlook and reach that is capable of drawing tangible benefits and is complementary to the National Development Plans.

Aisi stressed that the policy needs to be delivered by a functioning public service that is effective and responsive and knowledge based and is attuned to day to day domestic and international issues.

He said systems and procedures within the public service need to be reviewed, strengthened, managed and operated by skilled, qualified and committed civil servants.

Aisi said: “Officers at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Department of National Planning must have the capacity to attract development assistance.

“Our overseas Missions and Posts need to be staffed by highly qualified and technical personal not just from the department of foreign affairs but from the entire public service.”

Officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs have been tasked to come up with a revised PNG foreign policy.

Quintina Naime