Opposition calls for cuts in PM’s department budget

The Opposition has called on the Government not to cut funding for important sectors such as Health and Education in the 2017 Budget.

It is believed the Government will be tabling and deliberating on the 2017 National Budget next month.

Opposition Leader and former Treasurer Don Polye warned that school aged children will not be in classrooms and mothers in rural areas will face difficulties giving birth if the Government goes ahead with budget cuts for the health and education sectors.

He said Prime Minister Peter O’Neill should instead cut budgets for his own department and refrain from globetrotting to save money which can be better  used in other areas.

Polye also warned the country to prepare for turbulent times starting next year.

He warned that effects of the Government’s numerous borrowings and reckless spending in 2016 will be felt in the 2017 Budget cuts.

Freddy Mou