LLG leaders commended for patience, allowance to be paid soon

Deputy Prime Minister and Inter-Government Relations MP Leo Dion has thanked the LLG leaders for their patience and understanding.

“I particularly thank the councillors for their understanding during these hard times when the nation is facing cash flow problems caused by unforeseen external factors that are beyond our control,” Dion said.

“Despite non-payment of your lawful allowances, you have maintained the confidence and trust of the people by continuing to provide the leadership required daily at your respective communities.

“As leaders, we sometimes become unpopular, ridiculed, criticised, humiliated, suffer personally, psychologically and financially stressed but we always put up a positive face simply because we have raised our hands to be a leader and serve the people we represent. This is true leadership and I commend you all for that.”

Dion said he received some funds from the Departments of Treasury and Finance to pay the delayed monthly allowances of LLG ward members through the country.

“Once the cheque is cleared by the bank, shortly we will do the payment by crediting funds into the personal bank accounts of the councillors. Two lots of payments will be made on the rate of K400 per month: 1. Those councilors who missed out last year will be paid K4,800 for the period of January-December 2015, and 2. For this year, K1,200 will be paid for the period of January-March 2016.

“As we receive more funding in the near future, other outstanding will be paid, including those of the deputy presidents,” stated the deputy prime minister.

“All appointed women representatives will be paid by the respective LLGs on the same rate as per the policy directive and the circular instruction No.03/2014 issued by the Department.

“Unlike past successive governments, this Government has listened to the cries and given due recognition to the LLG leaders and village court officials by introducing policies to adequately address their welfare and increased their allowances to compensate for the important roles being played at the communities.”

Dion assured the ward councillors that all their outstanding allowances will be paid.

“All councillors are kindly asked to keep your bank accounts active.”


Press Release