Fifth accused in Tatana shooting in court

The fifth police officer who was arrested for his alleged involved in the Tatana shooting on January 17, 2015 appeared at the Waigani Committal Court on Thursday.

 The 38-year-old Jeffery Sheekiot of Sumusamu village, Bogia, Madang was brought to appear in court yesterday following his arrest on July 28 in Port Moresby.

Sheekiot is alleged to be among a group of police officers who conducted a raid at Tatana village early last year while investigating the murder of another man, the late Harold Farapo. During the raid, he in the company of others allegedly shot the late Saleh Naime Tom, also known as Charlie Naime.

Four other officers have been arrested since and have been attending court in the District Court. Others allegedly involved are Ian Gunawi of East Sepik Province, Philip Pokop of Manus and Lawrence Sausau also of East Sepik and Mariah Johns of Kubalia, Yangoru-Saussia district, East Sepik Province.

Their cases are ongoing at the Waigani District Court.

