Sola Pawa Dinau

In impacting the lives of women and their families in rural areas, Women’s Micro Bank has partnered with Sun King and NGF to supply solar products to rural areas.

The product called ‘Sola Pawa Dinau’, will provide easy access to finance rural people who need electricity.

The partners agreed to pilot the new product in Mama Bank’s Wewak branch and nine other agencies in the 10 districts of the Sepik region (East and West Sepik provinces).

According to Sun King Country Manager, Andrew Tegete, Sun King have presence in 40+ countries and have sold 13+ million of Sunking products worldwide.

“Sun King established in PNG through the distribution partnership in 2019 which NGF Limited is one of them…Our focus products are the Pro 400, Home 200X and the solar powered fan,” he stated.

Mama Bank chief executive officer, Gunanidhi Das, stated that the partnership has enabled Mama Bank to tap into green financing as a potential implementing partner, hence is bringing to the market its potential for microfinance solar loan.

Das acknowledged the development partners in the likes of USAID-PEP Project, DFAT, MFAT, ADB, UNDP, and the Bank of PNG particularly the Acting governor as well as the Governor for enabling Mama Bank in providing the financial inclusion.

The launching opens a roadshow program to be rolled out in Wewak, Maprik, Wosera-Gawi, Dreikikier, Kusambuk and Angoram in East Sepik from the 16th – 27th January, 2023.

Jasmine Iru