Abau boasts NFA infrastructural development

The Kupiano Public Servant Accommodation Development, valued at K6.3 million, includes 10 houses for various departments is part of an infrastructural development initiative launched by the National Fisheries authority on Wednesday 15th May, 2024.

The NFA launched this morning in Kupiano station in Abau District, as part of its broader strategic plans outlined in the Fisheries Management Act 1998, Vision 2050, and the Development Strategic Plan 2021-2030.

This development reflects the National Fisheries Authority's commitment to supporting local governance. This development is expected to retain qualified public servants in district locations, enhancing government service delivery.

Kupiano serves as a strategic hub, connecting Milne Bay and Central provinces, facilitating the movement of fisheries and other commodities. The NFA's efforts also include a running program for crab export activity in the region, aiming to tap into the district’s abundant, yet underutilized, resources.

The development of enabling economic infrastructures is set to foster a conducive operating environment for the private sector, promoting economies of scale. The Coastal Fisheries Hub will include facilities for landing, processing, packaging, supply chain management, and training, and will host commercial-scale aquaculture and mariculture programs.

In collaboration with provincial governments, the NFA has embarked on the Coastal Fisheries Hub Development strategy, emphasizing small to medium-scale fisheries development and local participation. 

Over 87 percent of Papua New Guinea’s population relies on fisheries for livelihood, and this initiative aims to create income-earning opportunities, reduce poverty, ensure food security, and promote the sustainable use of coastal resources.

The Coastal Fisheries Hub Development in Abau District is poised to enhance local economic activities, create employment opportunities, and improve living standards across Central and Milne Bay provinces.

The government aims to grow the economy to K200 billion by 2030, create one million additional jobs, and improve the quality of life for citizens. 

The NFA plays a crucial role in this by spearheading key investment programs under the Medium-Term Development Plan IV (MTDP IV), focusing on monitoring and surveillance, downstream processing hubs, and aquaculture development.

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