
Schnaubelt Responds

Mr Schnaubelt in a statement said: “At the heart of the dismantling (not destruction) of the Seeto Council Chamber building and the solar technology equipment in Namatanai town is a question of who owns the land title and it’s land use, and whether consent was sought and secured to build the council chamber.

He said firstly, Namatanai District Development Authority is the legitimate owner of the land title in question. Secondly, the purpose of the land use involved is set aside for Namatanai Airstrip and not for a council chamber.

NIP Govt To Sue Schnaubelt

In a statement dated September 28th, the NIP government says intensive investigations will include proper legal affidavits from government officials and agents in what it said is the biggest and disgraceful destruction of property in PNG’s political history that must be tolerated by the State.

It said that Mr Schnaubelt was responsible for the demolition of the Seeto Council Chamber and the solar power installation in Namatanai in August, causing a public outcry in the province against him.

Kadan Primary Gets New Library

The new infrastructure was funded through the Namatanai District Development Authority (NDDA) at a cost of K40,000.

Member for Namatanai and Chairman of the NDDA Walter Schnaubelt officially opened the buildings on the 29th of July in front of a crowd of 500 people that included students, staff and parents and communities of Kadan and nearby villages.

Schnaubelt said the infrastructure would help to prepare the next generation and he is happy to lead the way in setting the platform for the next generation’s leaders.