Petrus Thomas

New MP sets sights on road infrastructure

“The important need my people will want immediately is a good road infrastructure because the road network system from Koroba to Lake Kopiago was built during the colonial times,” says Petrus Thomas.

However, he knows it will not be a one man job and needs a good administration to deliver in the five years.

“I need to settle down and get my administration in order first,” Thomas said.  

The Independent candidate also has health and education on top of his priorities.

I am still an independent candidate: Petrus Thomas

“I stood as an independent candidate, and I remain as an independent candidate,” Thomas said today.    

“I will stay as an independent candidate and monitor the formation of the government and if I see a possible party that will form the government, it is my people’s choice that I must be in the government.”

Thomas comments followed a photo on Facebook showing him being welcomed by Prime Minister and PNC party leader, Peter O’Neill and Tari – Pori MP James Marape in Mendi after his declaration on Sunday.