Personal Viability Training

Mekepo village for Home ownership

The land will accommodate a home ownership scheme.

Mek Pindu, of Pindu Transport Company surprised the praxis of the PV Training with the announcement of an 11 hectares piece of land within the vicinity of NCD to build a housing scheme for them. 

He said his family were considering many options including selling it or dedicating it to charity as they had been considering this for some time.

LOs trained to be business-minded

The landowners, from Kurumbukari, Inland Pipeline (Maigari), Coastal Pipeline and Basamuk, recently attended a personal viability workshop conducted by the Human Development Institute from March 13-15.

Founder and CEO of Human Development Institute (personal viability program), Samuel Tam Su, popularly known as “Papa Sam”, presented very basic and important principles on how to grow and develop an individual to be business minded.