Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations

NRI report calls for labour mobility increase from PIC’s

The latest report titled ‘Why do few Pacific Islanders take advantage of opportunities in Papua New Guinea’s labour market?’ highlights some of the reasons affecting labour mobility for PIC’s to PNG and offers recommendations to address the issue.

The report reveals that although work permits issued to pacific islanders have increased in the last 10 years, it significantly remains low compared to the overall number of non-citizens working in PNG.

PNG rejects PACER Plus agreement

PNG and Fiji which have the two biggest economies in the Pacific, apart from Australia and New Zealand are against the trade agreement.  

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website states that, “PACER Plus negotiations offer an opportunity to help Pacific Islands Forum countries benefit from enhanced regional trade and economic integration.”

PACER Plus was introduced by Australia and New Zealand at the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders meeting in 2009.