Funeral Home

Funeral home opens in Madang

Governor, Ramsey Pariwa was given the honour on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 to officially open the funeral home that was built at a cost of approximately K1.5 million, situated near Siar village in Ward 5 of South Ambenob LLG in Madang district.

Governor Pariwa was joined by one of the three directors of Glenrowan Investment Limited, Rachael Glenville to cut the ribbon to signify the official opening of the new facility.

Family dispute, Ottio’s body remains at funeral home

Tempers flared this afternoon, forcing funeral home securities to lock the gates, thwarting today's program to take Ottio's body back home to Tatana under police escort.

Crowds have gathered outside the funeral home with police on standby to maintain order.

Families from the Koiari and Tatana side are meeting now to reach an amicable solution.

The PNG Rugby Football League will be releasing a statement shortly.

(A crowd gathering outside the funeral home)