FB fake news

Facebook publishes fake news ads in UK papers

The ads, in papers including The Times, The Guardian and Daily Telegraph, carry a list of 10 things to look out for when deciding if a story is genuine.

They include checking the article date and website address, as well as making sure it isn't intended as satire.

Facebook is under fresh political pressure to tackle fake news in the run up to the UK general election.

How Facebook is starting to tackle fake news in your news feed

In November it was reported the company had an unofficial task force working on the problem.

Buzzfeed report showed that there was more engagement on fake news stories around the US election than real news.

Now, Facebook has promised to reprioritise fake news on its pages.

Here's how to outsmart fake news in your Facebook feed

It seems so simple, but if everyone knew that, Facebook and Google wouldn't have to pull bogus news sites from their advertising algorithms and people wouldn't breathlessly share stories that claim Donald Trump is a secret lizard person or Hillary Clinton is an android in a pantsuit.

It doesn't have to be this way. Fake news is actually really easy to spot -- if you know how. Consider this your New Media Literacy Guide.

How can Facebook fix its fake news problem?

In a post on his personal profile, he said he was "cautious" not to make Facebook an "arbiter of truth" but said the company was testing new tools to flag hoax content.


So, what's the problem?

"Facebook's algorithm prioritises the popular, it doesn't know how to distinguish between real and not real," said Kate Bevan, a technology writer and broadcaster.

Facebook’s crappy algorithm just can’t stop trending fake news stories

This first issue came into the limelight when Facebook promoted a false story about Megyn Kelly. Since then, very less has changed.