
Everyday People PNG : Naima Larem Minambao

I am Naima and I was born in 1989. I am a father of six children with my two wives. I am happy I was able to work as an assistant and help the contractor build our first health center. Now people can get treated here. We also have this new road. We are finally connected to rest of the province and people don’t have to walk for days like before.

Naima Larem Minambao, Yokomanda Village, Enga

Everyday People PNG: Samba Lames

I started here right after graduating from the University of Technology.

I started my career here in 1998 and now I’m the Deputy Principal – Administration.

My major subject areas are agriculture, science and business studies.

I have learnt a lot of things here as well as developed my professional career.

I have seen a lot of changes, especially in our student discipline and academic performance.

Everyday People PNG: Simon Asaro


It took me an hour to make this. After moulding it, I left it in the sun to dry so I can use it for tonight’s event.

In the past, our forefathers used these masks to hide their faces and fight. Today, we just display it whenever there are big events.

  • Simon Okoroho, Asaro

Everyday People PNG : Jules Binta

The doctors and nurses tried their best to save me but they couldn’t, so they agreed to cover me with blanket and bring me home. But then my mother said to them. Please don’t cover my son’s nose, he’s not dead.

Everyday People PNG: Carol Kalami Johnson

I have a trade store, a rent house and I do tailoring back home in Kokopo. 

I came to Port Moresby to attend my daughter’s graduation and I heard of this opportunity for PNG SME Gowers’ seminar so I registered to attend.  I’m glad I did because what I learnt really inspired me to go further into developing my business. I see many possibilities.

Growing up, I didn’t get any formal training, but sewing was part of my life. I learnt how to sew by using my mother’s sewing machine. Now I have a thriving tailoring business which I think has  potential to grow.

Everyday People PNG : Napina Yumb


I am a single parent, originally from Wau-Bulolo. I have raised two boys on my own as a single mum. One is a CS officer and the other one plays football. I was a nursing officer before I joined CS.

Everyday People PNG : Maria Dama

This is my 17th year of teaching. I was teaching as senior teacher for more than 10 years and I am a former student of this institution.

I have been deputy academic for four years and being very committed to my job, I was given the opportunity to take up this post; I did not apply for it.

That’s why we’re encouraging our teachers out there to be committed to their job. They don’t have to fight for positions.

I’m still figuring my way around as this is my second year as the institution’s principal.

Everyday People PNG : Ababa Dom

I do odd jobs as well, like right now, I’m carry pig meat to give to the teachers. It’s from the Grade 12 kaikai.

I love rugby league. I used to watch Justin Olam play at the Muaina rugby field down there.

I still go there to watch games. After I finish my errands, I’ll go down and try to catch the remaining matches.

  • Ababa Dom, Muaina, Simbu

Everyday People PNG : Micheal Philip

Growing up in Nangananga, a village just outside of Kokopo town, my upbringing was full of hardships, struggles and sacrifices by my parents and family; allowing me to graduate from Kokopo Secondary.

Having not received an offer to further my studies, I took it upon myself to pursue my dreams in other means. I started working from NBC Radio as a radio personal to learn the traits of becoming a journalist.

Everyday People PNG : Papa Mose

Mose comes from the name Moses because I use a walking stick just like him.

I don’t know how old I am.

I live by myself in my hut. I have bad eyesight so I cook my food around lunch time, have my dinner at 5pm and go to bed by 6pm.

I am still the ‘het meri’ for Lutheran church here and I used to be the treasurer, where I count and keep the money safe. But now my legs and eyes are not what they used to be, so I don’t go to church anymore. Instead, they come here and have fellowship with me.