DDA Business Ambitious

The company is owned by six Local Level Governments who each hold 4% shares, whilst the NDDA is the majority shareholder with a 76% stake in the company.

NAL Chief Executive Officer Hosea Kalis said, “We want to acquire assets and to build the company to have a strong value to negotiate with the bank to bring more development. This will enable the development of agriculture to enable people to have access to money and services in the community.”

Kalis explained that NAL belongs to the people of Namatanai.

DDA CEO cannot create their own structure

Temu said they can only recommend the type of structure they require suitable to their own particular setting or location, which will then be channeled through the respective Provincial Governments to the Department.

He was responding to Kikori MP and Opposition Member, Mark Maipakai , in Parliament on Thursday.

“Do we districts have the powers under the Organic Law to create our own structures and get it endorsed through the Provincial Government and it comes through the system for confirmation by  higher authorities?” asked Maipakai.