
Fitted tees, shorty shorts: wrong message to girls?

that she co-founded a business, Girls Will Be, which provides empowering shirts and shorts so girls can live their active lives and still feel good about what they wear.

The business was inspired, in part, by her soon-to-be-12-year-old daughter, who could never find anything she wanted to wear in the girls' department.

3D printed fashion becomes reality

But one young Canberran is trying to shake up fashion conventions by taking her digital dreams to the 2017 Vancouver Fashion Week.

Charne Esterhuizen has made an entire dress using 3D printers and hopes to make the industry more sustainable for future generations.

Standing at 175 centimetres tall the dress is made completely out of rubber printed butterflies.

"For one butterfly to be printed it takes five and a half hours ... and the dress consists of 130 to 150 butterflies," the 23-year-old said.

Weekly Lifestyle Update: Keeping the colors beyond Independence

This has been pretty hard to miss, with offices, streets and homes hooked up on the festive feeling since September 1.

Most patriotic Papua New Guineans have been spotted with anything showing these national colors.

From a head scarf or cap, to tie or necklace, right down to the footwear and the bag ( bilum).

Last week alone was when everyone’s fashion taste was at its climax.

Well the big day, September 16, is over now and you may be wondering how to water down the independence fever.