Tax credit scheme suspended: Minister

The government’s tax credit scheme is currently suspended until further notice.

National Planning and Implementation Minister, Richard Maru, confirmed this in parliament yesterday.

He made the announcement after he was asked by Komo-Margarima MP Manasseh Makiba to allow local MPs to identify projects to be funded by the tax credit scheme.

The need to make use of the scheme has become greater after the devastating aftermath of the February 26 earthquake.

“At the moment the tax credit scheme has been suspended over a number of issues, one of them is the projects have no inputs from Governors and local MPs of parliament,” stated Maru.

“The other issue is that funds are being used in areas outside the impact areas and a lot of the contracts that have been awarded there is no transparency in the way the contracts are managed.

“We are now doing a review, next Friday I’m inviting members, the companies involved and all stakeholders, we are going to have a national consultation on tax credit,” said Maru.

(National Planning and Implementation Minister, Richard Maru)

Meredith Kuusa