Respect School Facilities: Uguro

Minister for Education, Jimmy Uguro has called on students nationwide to respect government property and not to damage them if they have grudges with the school management.

“Students must learn to take their grievances to the school authority if they are not happy with the school management, instead of taking their frustrations out on school properties like classrooms and dormitories,” he said.

Minister Uguro said raised this after learning in recent media reports that several school properties and facilities were damaged or being burned down allegedly by students.

“I am disappointed with these recent events and call on school authorities affected to take appropriate action as soon as they can,” the Minister said.

He added that willful damage of property is a criminal offence under the recently launched Behaviour Management Policy and schools must refer the students involved to the police to deal with them.

“The facilities take a number of years to build and at huge costs. Therefore, students and the community must look after them for their use and for future generation."

Freddy Mou