RAA and GoPNG renew partnership with MoU

A signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Rural Airstrip Agency of PNG and GoPNG had marked the renewal of the partnership for term of 3 years.

The partnership is to ensure the critical and effective work of connecting rural communities across PNG is continued to effectively contribute to the economic and social development for the economy. 

Minister for Transport and Civil Aviation, Walter Schnaubelt, stated that in addition to the renewal, RAA transitions from being an interim vehicle of a non-profit organization, into a fully-fledged government entity.

The Rural Airstrip Program mandate implements key Government Strategies including the Development Strategy Plan, Medium-Term Development Plan III and the National Transport Strategy (NTS).

“The NTS aims for a three-to-four-fold increase in domestic air traffic by 2030; this includes rehabilitating 50 small rural airstrips to basic safety levels prioritized by economic viability and need, The Connect PNG Agenda ad Vision 2050 emphasizes more on the connectivity throughout the country and this project implements this vision. The vision and mission of RAA has assisted to facilitate and achieve the GoPNG’s goals as stipulated in the National Transport Strategy,” said Schnaubelt.

Chief Executive officer for RAA, Hau’ofa Sailasa, saud the RAA is pleased to continue its partnership with the government and looks forward to achieving greater milestones for rural communities in PNG.

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