PNG warned of tropical cyclone season ahead

Papua New Guinea is approaching the cyclone season and will likely experience one or two tropical cyclones.

The PNG National Weather Service reported that January and February will see a higher number of strong wind and tropical cyclone warnings. 

PNGNWS assistant director Jimmy Gomoga said PNG could be affected by tropical cyclones, which in the South Pacific occur from November to mid-May.

Gomoga said although tropical cyclones are likely to occur around January to March this cyclone season.

Gomoga said these months are when the wet season peaks and we could expect north-west surges and strong winds across the country along with one or two tropical cyclones forming during this time.

The part of the country that is directly affected is the southern region while the northern areas, however, may be partly affected by an increase in wind, clouds and storm surges.

Gomoga said areas mostly in the Solomon Sea and Coral Sea including Milne Bay, Northern Province, Gulf and the coast of Central Province will be affected.

File picture: Cyclone in Fiji

Quintina Naime