PM stresses on vaccination

Prime Minister James Marape has again called on citizens to be responsible for themselves, their family, and the country by getting vaccinated.

“If you don’t want to be vaccinated, my strong suggestion is for you to participate in self-isolation and remain where you are with mask and social distancing,” he said.

During his first ministerial address at the 76th United Nations General Assembly in New York on Friday, 24th September, he addressed the COVID-19 crisis as one of the long-term threat face by mankind.

“COVID-19 is real, as from my visit to the US I have seen clearly how serious countries take action against this global pandemic. From transiting in Singapore, to arriving in the US and moving around, as the Prime Minister I had to observe the strict COVID protocols both in Singapore and America.

“COVID-19 dominated discussions in all United Nations meeting even at the recent UN General Assembly.

“In my address to the UN, I said COVID-19 remains as a big challenge in PNG, as the rate of vaccination remains low and calls for global efforts to stop misinformation that results in the low rates of vaccination in the country.

“As of 29th September, there were 318 newly-reported cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to twenty-thousand-two-hundred-and-twenty-one (20,221). Total deaths stand at two-hundred-and-twenty-nine (229). As of the same date, there have been 30 confirmed Delta cases.

“As of 27th September, the number of people vaccinated is at one-hundred-and-eighty-six-thousand-seven-hundred-and-twenty-nine (186,729). It is a huge concern as the result is very low against a population of about 10 million in the face of the spread of the deadlier Delta variant,” Marape added.

The Prime Minister said vaccination is not a new medical option for protection of lives. He said in PNG we have been utilizing vaccinations sanctioned by WHO since the 1970s for Measles, Pneumonia and Polio, and now for COVID-19. Everyone should take the vaccine as a self-defense from the deadly virus.

Press Release