Partnership is rooted in God

The officers for the Central Provincial Government were challenged today and given time to reflect on their work and how to improve on achievements not fulfilled.

General Secretary of PNG Council of Churches, Reverend Roger Joseph, shared a sermon about partnership in the work of public servants and how partnership is rooted in God.

The theme for the dedication service is ‘Where God guides, He provides. Diverse but in Unity we can transform Central Province’.

“The theme acknowledges that public service is another Ministry that provides services on behalf of God to the people. Second part of this thing goes to the responsibility of us, if we are united though diversified we cannot deliver. The challenge is to us to be united so we can see goods and services delivered to the people we serve,” he stated.

The message quoted from the Bible were from; Genesis 1:26, Isaiah 40:31 and Mathew 2:12.

“God created all the universe first so the language used was ‘let there be’ light, let there be sea and etc. he had the command to make things happen and only one involved but when it came to humankind he said ‘Let us’. So really partnership begins from the Bible, God is the foundation of partnership”, said Rev Joseph.

Rev Joseph said that God shared his power and responsibility in the creation of humankind. Partnership therefore is rooted in God, spiritually and theologically.

He prayed over the officers and allowed them to think hard of the partnership with the office and God. As it is the root to a successful year of delivery to Central Province.

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