Paraka delayed filing review

The National Court has refused an application by Principal of Paraka lawyers, Paul Paraka, seeking leave of the court to review 11 government decisions in the last six years.

The court refused to grant leave due to the lengthy delay in Paraka seeking leave to review those decisions.

The Principal of Paul Paraka Lawyers, filed an Originating Summons on March 8, seeking leave to have 11 government decisions judicially reviewed.

They include decisions of the District Courts, Fraud Squad, the disbanded Investigation Task Force Sweep team, the Prime Minister and NEC, Attorney General, BSP and others made between August 2011 and February 2018.

He instituted the case seeking relief of the court to invalidate all actions of the Executive Government and the Sweep Team and declare all criminal charges and actions of the sweep team and government invalid.

Today the court refused to grant leave, which was the first step in reviewing those decisions, due to delay in Paraka seeking leave.

Parties seeking leave to judicially review decisions of the government must do so within four months of the decisions being made.

Justice Oagile Dinake said the delay was “excessive” and Paraka failed to give valid explanations of the delay in bringing each decision for review.

In the substantive case, Paraka was also seeking damages and compensation among others. With leave refused, he said there is still other avenues he can pursue.

Paraka said he will go before the District Court next week and seek orders to have his criminal case, which has been before the Committal Court for a while now, dismissed.

Sally Pokiton