NID causing anxiety, inconvenience: Juffa

The National Identification (NID) project is causing a lot of anxiety and inconvenience for our citizens.

Northern Governor Gary Juffa raised the matter in Parliament today, asking the Prime Minister if the project will be completed by 2022.

The NID project was launched in 2014 with the aim of assisting with the elections. Described by Northern Governor Juffa as “a very expensive project” that cost K230 million, Parliament was once again made aware of the stagnant state of the project.

“By 2016 only 150,000 cards were issued,” said Juffa. “And the problems continue. Sampla kisim foto nating na ol no gim ol kad, olsem Gavana (Powes) Parkop ya, em eksampol. Memba blo Markham tu.

“Praim Minista disla NID projek ba komplit bifo 2022 na em bai fitcha lo eleksen blo yumi o nogat?”

Juffa further pointed out that from the initial cost of K230 million, K50 million was used by the Electoral Commission, the National Statistical Office and Community Development Department.

Disla K50 milien we ol disla tripla dipatment i expendim, inap disla infomesen ol ken wokim pablik so mipla ken save hau ol spendim disla K50 milien?

In response, the Prime Minister said the intention of the project was good however, the program has gone off course.

“It’s quite messy inside and the new Planning Minister has taken it on board and is trying to streamline and make it more effective, easy and accessible,” stated Marape.

One way of making sure that rural citizens are captured in the project is for the provincial and district level governments to partner with the National Planning Department. The Prime Minister said this is currently happening and in a way, is preventing opportunists from running around under the pretext of registering citizens while racking up expenses.

“So the Planning Minister will very soon announce the way in which we will conduct Census 2020, and link Census 2020 to NID. So please, all provincial governments, and all districts, we will be calling upon you to participate in Census 2020. Whilst running Census 2020, NID will piggyback and run with it.”

The Prime Minister says in that way, money is not wasted on running similar projects under different banners.

(Northern Governor Gary Juffa)

Carmella Gware