National GBV strategy to be launched in February

The National Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence 2016-2025 will be officially launched in February.

The strategy aims to strengthen the work on GBV in order to achieve zero-tolerance towards GBV by 2025 and as per PNG Vision 2050.

The GBV Strategy was endorsed by the National Executive Council on December 15.

Minister for Community Development, Youth and Religion Delilah Gore said the strategy does not reinvent structures and processes.

The GBV strategy builds on existing interventions at national and sub-national level to secure government ownership and a stronger focus on coordination and monitoring for quality.

It takes into account all forms of violence committed on the basis of gender.

Gore highlighted that the endorsement is very important because this is a way forward for our country in addressing gender issues that have been affecting our families and society.

It will cost the Government and partners K112 million to implement the strategy over a 10 year period.

Secretary for Community Development, Youth and Religion Anna Solomon told Loop PNG that the K112 budget funding is not a specific short term budget but a long term one.

Solomon said the funding will come from the Government together with partners including NGOs and international agencies looking at how we all can address GBV over the 10 year period.”

A Secretariat to administer the GBV Strategy will be established at a cost of K2.5 million.

Quintina Naime