Momis pleased with progress

President of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Chief John Momis, is pleased that some progress has been made to prepare for the Bougainville Referendum.

His view follows the recent Joint Supervisory Body meeting held in Arawa. 

The meeting addressed concerns on funding, appointments of the Bougainville Referendum Commission including weapons disposal.

An agreed funding of K1.2 million that has been made available by both governments to kick start BRC operations will assist this exercise to happen immediately.

The BRC will be working closely with Village Ward Recorders with a goal of having a grassroots check on the accuracy of the roll.

President Momis further gave the assurance that while the issues to be resolved are difficult, momentum is building towards better engagement in the joint implementation of the Peace Agreement.

He thanked Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and his team of Ministers and officials for travelling to Bougainville and for the work of the two Chief Secretaries in preparing for this meeting through the Joint Technical Team.

He said time is running short and the time for action is now.

Chief Momis said the people are keen to see a clear direction set for referendum, support for weapons disposal, and payment of monies owed to support government services under the Bougainville Peace Agreement.

(President John Momis)

Charmaine Poriambep