Member’s office open to public scrutiny: Kramer

A Member of Parliament holds a public office which is open to public scrutiny.

This was the response by Madang MP Bryan Kramer following Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s comments regarding his posts on social media.

In a statement released yesterday, O’Neill called on the new Member to learn to behave in the manner expected by his constituents, and not engage in slanderous and illegal behavior.

However, Kramer said his recent social media post was merely a highlight of an action that he described as disgusting and appalling from someone who holds public office and is a representative of his people.

Kramer said he took office as chosen by his people to represent them and also to speak on national issues, adding he has always been vocal on issues of corruption and he will continue to do so.

The vocal Madang MP said he was supposed to go back to Madang today and skip the Parliament sitting however, following the PM’s statement, he just had to stay back and see the outcome.


Imelda Wavik