Kimbe police restrict arrests due to aging facilities

All holding and detention cells in Kimbe are being condemned forcing the Police to limit making arrests.

The police are only arresting the ones brought to custody for serious crimes such as drug offences, homebrew, murder and firearms.

Currently, the offenders are being held in a temporary room within the Police Administration building that has been converted to cater as a holding cell.

The Sarakolok Police cell which was holding all offenders after the Buluma and Kimbe cells were condemned have also now been forced to close down by the Provincial Health Authority due to health and hygiene reasons and deemed as beyond human occupation.

Following the condemning of Buluma police cell, everything has spiraled downwards leaving the police with no choice but to encourage mediation for minor offences.

The condemnation started with Buluma Police Cells and was followed by the closure of Kimbe cells by the Magisterial services and the Ombudsman Commission under the human rights law.

The Kimbe cells are under maintenance with 85% complete.

The maintenance was funded by the Provincial Administration and the Police Department in partnership with other sources with a total of K76, 000.

The NBPOL Tax Credit Scheme has come to the rescue for the Saraklok Police cells with K250 000 to upgrade the facility through maintenance, fencing, and beef up of security, water supply and plumbing and electricity.

According to WNB PPC Superintendent Jim Namora, he is indeed appreciative of the financial support from both the WNBP administration and NBPOL to come to their aid at the backdrop of all their aging infrastructure and to help in rehabilitation of the facilities and prompt refurbishment.

Becky Marum