Doubts over vaccine usage

Madang Provincial Health Authority Chief Executive Officer, Fidelis Waipma has raised concerns over people wanting clear evidence of the usage and success of Astrozeneca vaccines brought in from Australia.

He said the vaccines must be made known to the people before giving them to use. 

He also reiterated that the PNG IMR should also give their assurance on the efficacy of vaccine. 

He said many senior medical workers in Madang have raised doubts over the usage of the vaccines but however, he said he will not force people to take the vaccines.

"Vaccines are normally developed in two years or so but this one is developed very fast which raises doubts among the people."

Waipma also clarified that they will be requesting 500 vaccines to Madang but it's up to the health workers to take it or not.

Meantime, Emergency Physician at Madang Hospital Dr Jiuth Gawi also called on medical experts to give assurance to the frontline health workers on the safety of the vaccines.

He added that medical experts must clear the air on the disadvantages of the vaccines circulating on social media.

One of the points Dr Gawi raised was that no scientist or researcher has come out clear on how long will the antibodies created by the Astraveneca vaccine last in the human body to protect the persons receiving it from another COVID-19 reinfection.

Only after 2 to 5 years that answer can be made known by the scientists to the people receiving the vaccine. 

He also stated that studies need to be made by local and international partner scientists into the field of Herd Immunity and PNGIMR should pioneer the trial of vaccines into PNG following proper ethical and clinical guidelines set up by the research Advisory committee.

Dr Gawi's appeal to the Government and National Health Department was to speed up the Validation process of the Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Test Covid Pack kits in PNG so that it can be made readily available for the Survellance team and health personals to use.

It can also be use to screen persons in high priority areas to get quick results to facilitate the diagnosis of the virus and also influence the management of the asymptomatic & symptomatic carriers thus preventing community transmission and also transmission of the virus to other uninfected population. 

Also the antigen RDT will assist in research purposes towards the vaccine and the campaign against COVID-19 in Madang and PNG as a whole.

He said currently people are scared of taking the vaccines because of doubts about the safety of the vaccines.

Dr Gawi, however, said the way forward for Madang currently is to be practical and still mantain the Niupla Pasin measures while the issues on vaccination can be better clarified to the frontliners and general public in Madang .

Making the vaccine optional is important because it gives frontliners the option of taking the vaccine depending on their views and doubts . 

Governor Peter Yama on Tuesday also raised concerns on the safety of the vaccines and disallowed it in the province.

He is also called on the medical experts to come out and clear the air on the safety of the vaccines before giving it to the people.

Freddy Mou