Calls For State Of Emergency In Porgera

The Engan Professionals in Port Moresby have called for a state of emergency for Porgera District.

The call comes following the massacre of 16 people on Tuesday, July 19th and as of Wednesday, 20th, the death toll has risen to 18.

“The killing of the 16 people on Tuesday is not related to election.  The 16 people killed are from Kandep and have become victim of the tribal war in Porgera,” said Meck Minnala, Chairman of the Enga Professional.

Minnala said the massacre stem from an ongoing conflict between two warring tribes in the Porgera valley over landownership, however innocent lives have been lost.

“We call on the care taker Prime Minister to declare a state of emergency in Porgera.  The situation has gone out of control. The displaced people need a sense of security, safety and peace.

“We also request the Police Commissioner David Manning to send the ES 11 and 12 unit to Enga and Pogera immediately,” he added.

It is believed after security forces had left on the evening of Tuesday to escort ballot boxes to Wabag town, the fight erupted resulting in the massacre.

Another Enga elite, Ruth Kissam said: “What we have in the district is crises. We have women and children dying and displaced.”

The group have also called for medical assistance to treat those that were wounded after medical workers at the Paiam hospital fled for their lives when their homes were destroyed.

All government services have been closed down. 

Jemimah Sukbat