Thai Massage with Trends Beauty Spa

No pain no gain!

The latest in town is the Thai Massage, introduced by Trends Beauty International through its Spa Pua arm.

Despite how aggressive it may look to a first timer, this two hours or more session has many benefits for individuals.

It’s a chain healing.

It uses the gentle pressure on energy lines and the yoga-like stretching to relax the whole body on a deeper level.

This deeper level of relaxation improves the individuals’ personal outlook, and their emotional status.

Deep relaxation has been shown to promote a deeper, more restorative night’s sleep as well.

This deeper sleep allows the body to heal itself physical, and let you feel more refreshed upon awakening.  

Benefits of Thai massage:

  • Relief from stress and muscle tension
  • Relief from aches and pain
  • Improved circulation
  • Unblocking and balancing of energy flow
  • Detoxification of internal organs
  • Improved alignment
  • Increased flexibility and range of motion
  • A general increase of energy

Treat yourself to one, available at Spa Pua Gordons and Spa Pua Lamana.

This will also be available in the Lae Spa Pua shortly.

Gloria Bauai