Everyday People PNG : Freddy Mirupasi

My name is Freddy, surname Mirupasi. I come from Southern highlands. My village is Uma, district is Kagua-Erave. I live in Port Moresby.

I completed my primary at St. Johns at Tokarara, then went on to Gerehu Secondary where I did my grades 9 and 10. I completed my grade 10 in 2019 but due to some disturbances I didn’t continue so I stayed out in 2020. This year I’m doing my FODE studies for grade 10 most of the days.   The only free times I have are on Saturdays and Sundays but I do have my scheduled time table.

On Saturdays from 3pm to 5pm church music rehearsal for Sunday 9am to 12 noon is church service. At church I am a song leader, I also play base guitar as well as drums. I am still practicing on keyboard and lead guitar. My local church is called ‘Living Streams Covenant CoC at Taurama, we come under the main COC church opposite Taurama Barracks.

I am a youth outreach leader so I take the lead in all outreach activities. To my peers I want to say this. “The life we live here is temporary. Our life is moving on a clock. Starting from 12 going to the end is our life but while we move around, seconds are ticking on our life and the days are moving on until it reaches 12 again then our life is gone. So young people and even older people, I want to say that God is real, heaven and hell are real so we must give our lives to God.

Young people, serve God while we are young. All sorts of situations overtake us, and devil comes into our lives to discourage us but we must stand firm because God will not fail us. We must continue to worship God. My encouragement to the young boys and girls in Papua New Guinea, we must go to church and pray. Every day, every 3 o’clock start praying ending at 6:00. There are some prayer warriors who are praying at this time so you can join them to at least say thank you. If you see another day that comes don’t think this is just another day, no. It is really a miracle. It’s a miracle day in your life because there are others who did not see this day and they have passed on. So you must see this day as a miracle day and enjoy life, don’t just waste it. Serve God when you are young, that is the best thing.                            

Freddy Mirupasi – Youth Outreach leader, Living Streams Covenant COC Church. 

Frieda Kana