Everyday People PNG : Danagi Lea

Hello, my name is Danagi Lea. I’m from Central, Rigo district.

I work here at Sanctuary Hotel since 2019.

I work here but I like our bosses, how they take care of us and how we work.

I have accommodation here. I am married and I have a child.

I thank my company boss because he gave us accommodation free of charge, we don’t pay anything, and transport free of charge for pick up and drop off company provides that.

We can leave our children in a good house where it’s got running water and electricity.

We also have staff meals provided by the company free of charge.

Our boss don’t charge us, they don’t take it out of our pays.

I am so grateful that we have a kind of a boss that is loving and kind and is compassionate towards us staff.

So we try our best to work hard for the company and we perform to our best.

Danagi Lea – Employee of The Sanctuary Hotel, Port Moresby.

Frieda Kana