WNB Regional Seat update

Counting for West New Britain provincial seat is undergoing eliminations with sitting governor, Sasindran Muthuvel maintaining lead.

The current progressive tally top 5- WNB provincial seat are:

  1. Sasindran Muthuvel – PANGU – 33, 352
  2. Gari Baki – PNC – 28, 475
  3. Mark Lebong – NA – 11, 621
  4. Willie Edo – ILP – 9, 151
  5. Chris P Lagisa – Independent – 6, 203

Trailing in sixth place is Independent candidate, Stanis Hoffman-5, 218 votes, in seventh place is ULP candidate, Daniel A Kanau- 4, 939.

The total Formal Ballot papers recorded is at 117, 828 and the Votes Distributed after exclusion is 2, 258 while the exhausted votes is at 8.

The remaining ballot papers is 117, 820. The Absolute majority is 58, 911.

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