Election Fever Begins

The masses came out to show support for their candidates from different electorates in the nation’s capital, despite the sun beating down, they stand in solidarity with their candidates.

The Unagi Oval in Port Moresby was packed by 1pm, as people started pouring in from all corners, some on foot and many coming in bus loads accompanying their candidates. With some just mere observers, stepping in to feel the election hype.

Banners seem to cover the corners of the oval and candidate posters promoted everywhere, pinned on trees and pasted on vehicles.

Creating waves at Unagi is sitting Member for Moresby North East, John Kaupa and supporters all adorned in the famous PANGU Pati green t-shirts with a stage set with Simbu dancers taking lead, awaiting formal proceedings in a few hours.

At the other end of the oval is NCD Regional candidate, Michael Kandiu and fans, making their presence known with a live band keeping all on their toes.

Kandiu is not new to elections, making yet another appearance to contest for NCD’s top seat.

Entertainment of all kinds filled the air as election hype builds up awaiting the nomination to start at 4pm.

It could be too early for celebrations but a happy start isn’t too bad.


Carol Kidu