73 Writs To Be Returned

Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai has announced that he will return 73 writs to the Governor General at 4pm today.

"Today, Friday 5th of August is the set date for returning the majority of the writs to the Governor General. 

"With 82 Electorates now declared and over 73 writs received by my office, I am pleased to announce that I will return more than the majority of the writs by 4pm,” he added. 

Counting and declaration has been done for Hela, East Sepik, Morobe, Bougainville, East New Britian, Manus, New Ireland, West New Britian, Milne Bay and Northern seats. 

From the 73 writs to be returned excludes Markham, Kabwum and Laiagap. 

A supplementary election for these seats is expected. 

Mr. Sinai also said by this afternoon, he will make a decision on the writs for Kandep and Wapanamanda seats which were rejected because of non-compliance by the Returning officers. 

For North Bougainville seat, a by-election will be conducted following the death of the late MP.

Jemimah Sukbat