Work begins to establish Stoma Special Care Centre

What would you do if you realise the person sitting next to you is discharging his body waste into a pouch from an opening in his abdomen?

Ostomates are always considering this when out in public.

They are in this situation due to bowel cancer or accidents forcing them to remove waste through an artificial opening called stoma.

But lack of supplies (colostomy bags) and less knowledge sees Ostomates in PNG using other things such as diapers and shopping bags or refusing to move around in public places to avoid embarrassment.

Greg Neville, Managing Director of Matrix Constructions PNG has been supporting the PNG Stoma Foundation to give them a better life.

He describes their life at the moment as degrading every day.

Neville family had donated a bus already to the foundation to transport colostomy bags to patients.

Neville is now working on the building design of a proposed special care centre.

He says this will serve as a haven for Ostomates to have free consultations and training and just spend time with each other.

The building will preferably be situated in the vicinity of the Port Moresby General Hospital, easy for Ostomates to be referred.

At the moment, they are all working together to make services accessible to all Ostomates in the country.

(Janet Yaki with the interim board members and the foundation patron Francis Yawesa, who is also the minister for Works)




Gloria Bauai