Stolen cars found in Vadavada Taurama area

A stolen CRV car was recovered by a police patrol unit at the Port Moresby suburb of Vadavada today.

The car was taken from a family at 9 mile earlier this month when they were held up by three armed men while travelling to their 14 mile home.

The Hagen family reported the matter to police who have been investigating the case.

Police state that the car was reported seen by  members of the Vadavada community and was recovered by a unit on patrol in the area.

Meantime another car was recovered outside the mangrove patches growing in the Taurama housing estates adjacent to the Taurama army barracks this afternoon.

This car, a Toyota Camry, was taken from the Hohola market area a week before Christmas .

Reports state that the car was in good condition but that the radio and speaker systems had been removed.

Police will be talking to residents in the area.


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Julianna Waeda