PNG ranked 158 in global Gender Equality Index

Papua New Guinea is ranked 158th out of 188 countries in the global Gender Equality Index, with only 2.7% women representation in Parliament.

The United Nations (UN) states it is vital therefore for PNG to accelerate efforts to achieve gender equality and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The UN reports that pervasive cultural and systemic obstacles still prevent women from participating in political and economic life in PNG as well as many other nations.

UN agencies in PNG are working with other stakeholders to advance gender equality.

UN Women together with all UN agencies in PNG are supporting government, policy makers and civil society organizations to put women at the center of decision-making and strengthening women’s leadership.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is promoting equal participation by women in all political, economic, and social spheres through advisory work.

This will assist government departments and agencies to comply with human rights obligations identifying gender related issues as key obstacles to realize human rights in PNG.

Picture courtesy of Courier Mail 

Quintina Naime