PNG Human Rights Film Festival starts

The 2016 PNG Human Rights Film Festival will be held starting today, October 20, through to Sunday at the Moresby Arts Theatre.

Today’s show will feature arts, culture and politics in PNG and three films will be shown starting at 6pm. A panel discussion will follow to discuss refugees after the filming.

The Papua New Guinea Human Rights Film Festival (PNG HRFF) promotes greater respect, protection and fulfillment of human rights for all. It creates a forum for debate to empower the audience with the understanding that personal commitment can make a difference to end discrimination.

The festival brings to life human rights stories challenging each individual to empathise with the most vulnerable and discriminated against in our societies, especially victims of human rights violations. It also supports justice for all people.

The session will also highlight the International Organization of Migration (IOM) mandates and its presence here in Papua New Guinea.

Entry is free and it will be an opportunity for everyone to look at the current situation in Papua New Guinea and what can be done to further implement human rights in those key areas.

Annette Kora